Air Conditioning & Air Filtration System Installation & Maintenance


What You Get From Us

We work to ensure people’s comfort at their home, and to provide the best and the fastest help at fair prices. We stand for quality, safety and credibility, so you could be sure about our work. Initially we started as a company specializing in household maintenance.

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THE ofuqalsalaamtech COMPANY

Services Offer in This Category

Ofuqalsalaamtech has 10+ years of experience with providing wide area of specialty services works listed below.

Air Conditioning

We have experience in home maintenance any surface from new construct.

Air Filtrations

We have experience in home maintenance any surface from new construct.

Air Ventilations

We have experience in home maintenance any surface from new construct.

Cleaning Services

We have experience in home maintenance any surface from new construct.

350 +

Projects Completed

120 +

Work Employed

30 +

Years Experiance